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Display Update

Display Update Warning

You should update the Display before updating the unit controller firmware!!

Display Update Files

Download the display update files from the Wave Drive - contact support for a direct link to the most recent update.

ENG-2G Control Display Update
  1. Insert mini USB cable into the port on the BACK of the unit. The mini USB on the front of the unit is used to update the controller software.
  2. Select DISPLAY UPDATE button
  4. After pressing DISPLAY UPDATE the unit will switch into mass storage device mode, which will allow you to update the files on the display. It will add a drive under This PC when using Windows 10 or 11.
  5. ENG-MASS-1
  6. Press CTRL+A to select all files
  7. ENG-MASS-2
  8. Press Delete to remove all files from the drive. Select YES to remove the files.
  9. ENG-MASS-3
  10. Download the display update files from the Wave Drive - contact support for a direct link to the most recent update. This file will be a zip file that you should save on your Desktop or Documents folder for eacy access.
  11. Right click on the zip folder and select extract all.
  12. ENG-MASS-4
  13. You should now have a folder with the same name as your zip folder that contains the display update files.
  14. ENG-MASS-5
  15. Press CTRL+A inside the new folder to select all of the files and folders
  16. Press CTRL+C to copy all files into memory
  17. Open your mass storage drive in (This Computer), for our example it is drive letter F:
  18. Press CTRL+V to paste the new files into the mass storage drive folder - you should see a file transfer window like below.
  19. ENG-MASS-6
  20. When this is finished your root directory in the display's device drive should look like below. In this exmaple it is the F: drive.
  21. ENG-MASS-finished
  22. This concludes the Display Update procedure. You can power cycle the unit for the changes to take effect.